Safety tubs offer individuals the ability to maintain a safe lifestyle, as well as regain their independence.

For some people, standard bathtubs can be difficult to enter. As a result, these tubs can be dangerous and often lead to falls and injuries.

Having the ability to function safely is one of the most significant factors in determining how long you or a loved one can maintain your bathing independence. New York Sash has a complete line of high-quality, affordable accessibility products that can be customized to any bathroom or budget. Adapting your home to meet the needs of your changing lifestyle will make many day-to-day tasks both simple and safe.

New York Sash easy-access bathtubs provide a variety of safety features to ensure a safe bathing solution. To get into the tub, simply open the tub door! Our heated air system is also infused into the water to keep your bath warm. Additional safety features like grab bars and built-in seating allow you to take your bathing independence back.

Don’t stress over the dangers of getting into a bathtub ever again. Our simple, affordable bathroom renovations are the perfect solution for any household in need of a walk-in bathtub remodel.


  • Stylish fixtures
  • Dual drains to empty the tub in 90 seconds
  • Easy-to-clean, scratch- and stain-resistant gel finish
  • Energy saving structural thickness insulates bath and maintains constant water temperature
  • Slip-resistant floor
  • Safety grab bar
  • Removable neck/back cushions
  • 18 air jets
  • 10 water jets


Have more questions? We’re here to help. Contact us today!

Call/text: 315.624.7344 or submit your quote request online.

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