New York Sash is proud to be a sponsor of the 3rd annual UNSPOKEN Festival held in Utica on October 16th through the 19th. UNSPOKEN is a human rights forum that combines film, art, music and a conference all in one festival lasting four days. Not only does UNSPOKEN raise awareness of human rights violations around the globe but it also shapes a better tomorrow through practical solutions.
UNSPOKEN gives voice to multiple human rights issues in three different ways:
1) UNSPOKEN: an International Film Festival : Experience multiple stories told via film. There will be screenings of short films as well as feature length films exposing human rights violations from around the globe.
2) UNSPOKEN: a Conference :
– Track One Restoring Dignity – Healing from Trauma and Torture
– Track Two Literacy Transforming lives forever
3) UNSPOKEN: an Arts and Entertainment Festival : Human rights and cultural experiences are translated in unique and inspiring ways by artists, dancers, sculptors, painters, poets, authors, and photographers.
To start planning, head over to the UNSPOKEN website for a schedule of each of the events during the Festival.
We hope to see you at this great festival!