Enhance your home’s beauty and durability with professional vinyl siding installation from New York Sash. Learn about our siding options, benefits, and how we can protect your home from the elements.

Homes Curb

Featured Project: Exterior Home Remodel

This week, we installed siding and windows for a customer. They wanted to boost the curb appeal on their home and save on energy bills! We sided their home with charcoal grey monogram siding accented with cedar impressions rough split shakes on the porch area. We were able to show our customer the end result before finishing the job with our siding ColorView design program. To save them money on energy bills, we removed their old drafty picture window and replaced it with two mulled together double hung windows. By remodeling the front of their home, they were able to boost their homes curb appeal!

Featured Project: Insulated Siding

This week our featured project is a sided home for a customer in Stamford, NY. They wanted to add curb appeal to their home and what better way to make a statement than with brand new siding? Additionally they had us replace 3 attic windows with double hungs and add new gutters on their home. Our customers chose Cedarboard Siding in the color sterling grey and gutters in white.

Home Remodel New York

Featured Project: Front of Home Remodel

For this week’s featured project, New York Sash installed siding, a storm door, wraps & a rail for one past customers. With our help, they wanted to add life to the front of their home. They had the help of one of our design consultants for every step of the way. After thought & consideration, they chose a single 8′ Mainstreet Siding style in the color colonial white, a Provia Deluxe storm door in white, wraps in smooth white & a Kingstone white rail with square balusters.

Stacked Stone - Sliding Color

Featured Project: Brand New Siding Color + Stacked Stone

This week’s unique featured project was completed for a customer in New Hartford. We resided their home with a brand new siding color and adorned it with stack stone! They chose D4 Clapboard Monogram siding in driftwood blend with granite gray corners & stacked stone siding in Lewiston Crest. We wrapped all of their windows & doors with white soffit & fascia. We even installed a slider window in their garage!

Siding with House Wrap

Featured Project: Siding with House Wrap

For this week’s project we were out on a job site installing siding for a past customer. Earlier this year we remodeled their bathroom and they were so happy, they called us back out to redo their siding! Their old siding was a boring white and they wanted something colorful with a thinner dutchlap clapboard siding style. They chose American legend siding the color oxford blue to brighten their home!